Local Effort Launches to Collect Medical Supplies for COVID-19 Response
At the request of the regional health departments, THRIVE (Transforming Health Regionally in a Vibrant Economy), a co-led initiative between the Michigan Health Improvement Alliance (MiHIA) and the Great Lakes Bay Regional Alliance (GLBRA) are coordinating an effort to address supply shortages for the COVID-19 response that regional health systems may be experiencing.
In line with President Trump’s call for various industries to donate what they’re able to provide in the way of N-95 respirators and other supplies, Saginaw Future is assisting the organizations by helping to alert those who may be in a position to help. There is a form to fill out if you have materials to donate. Find it at this link:
The following items are needed:
- N-95 Masks
- Hand Sanitizer (>60% alcohol)
- Disinfectant Wipes (>60% alcohol)
- High Efficiency Air Filter
- Gloves
- Goggles
- Clear Face Shields
- Clear Safety Glasses
- Surgical Gowns
- M4 Red Top Tubes
- Dacron Swabs (for sample collection)
Businesses can drop off materials at SVSU starting Monday from 9 to 5.