Governor’s Executive Order Expands Absentee Voting
Michigan’s Governor has signed an executive order to expand absentee voting in the May 5 elections.
The order allows the Department of State to assist local jurisdictions in mailing absentee ballot applications to every registered voter in the state. It also provides absentee ballots directly to new registrants. Local jurisdictions will still need to keep at least one polling place open for those who wish to vote in-person or are unable to vote by mail.
Anyone who wants to register to vote in the May 5 election are encouraged to do so by April 20. Registration can take place online at or by mail using the form available at
Those who miss the deadline are still able to register to vote and can do so at their township or city clerkâs office, but should call ahead first. Clerks will also accept applications and proof of residency by mail, email or fax.