WSGW OnLine Poll: Term Limits and Financial Disclosure in Michigan (results)
(May 18 – 25)
This November, Michigan voters will face a ballot question asking to adjust the 1992 vote placing term limits on lawmakers.
At this time, lawmakers can serve a total of 14 years in Lansing, but only 3, two-year terms in the House and 2, four-year terms in the Senate.
The new proposal would allow individuals to serve a total of 12 years overall, with the option of attempting to serve all the time in either the House or Senate, or still splitting the chambers.
Also, this new term limits legislation includes a requirement for annual financial disclosures. Right now, Michigan is one of two states without any financial disclosure demands.
POLL QUESTION: If you had to vote today, how would you cast your ballot regarding new term limits along with financial disclosure?
I would vote for the new term limits with financial disclosure – 73%
I would vote against the new term limits with financial disclosure – 23%
I’m Not Sure – 4%