WSGW OnLine Poll:     New Gun Laws in Michigan  (results)

(February 14 – 21, 2024)

Three new gun laws are now in effect in Michigan. Will they make a difference?

The “Extreme Risk Protection Order Act”, or “Red Flag Law”, allows firearms to be removed from people deemed to be a risk to themselves or others.

The “Safe Storage of Firearms” mandates gun owners with a minor in the home to store firearms in a locked container or with a trigger lock.

“Licensing of Firearms” commonly called “Universal Background Check” essentially expands requirements to any firearm purchase to require a background check.

WSGW OnLine Poll Question for YOU: With these new laws, what do you think will happen to gun related incidents in the state from now into the future?
They will go down – 5%
They will stay the same – 74%
They will go up – 21%