WSGW OnLine Poll: Michigan’s Cannabis Industry (results)
(January 24 – 31, 2024)
According to recent figures, Michigan’s legal marijuana retailers sold more than $3 billion worth of cannabis in 2023. That’s about a third more than 2022. By far the highest percentage of sales is recreational use. Medical purposes are only about 2%.
Michigan is second in overal sales in the nation after California, but number one at about $300 per capita. There are industry insiders who believe the market in Michigan is headed for a slowdown in growth this year.
Supporters say it was voter approved and proving to be a big economic boost. Opponents say harmful ramifications may not be realized for another ten years.
There are industry insiders who believe the market in Michigan is headed for a slowdown in growth this year.
WSGW OnLine Poll Question for YOU: Do You support Michigan’s cannabis industry or are you concerned there could be future harmful results?
I am a supporter – 54%
I am concerned – 42%
I’m not sure – 4%