WSGW OnLine Poll:     Michigan Film Incentives  (results)

(September 6 – 13)

WSGW OnLine Poll: Michigan Film Incentives

A group of lawmakers have introduced legislation to return Michigan to a state offering incentives for movies, television, and commercial projects.

A previous incentive program was dropped by Governor Snyder when he believed the return on investment was minimal.

Supporters say this would be a complete “180” from the past. The major difference is in the past, the state would write a check for the incentive. This time no checks are cut. It’s a tax credit.

At least 35 states offered incentives for movie production.

This legislation would end 10 years after implementation unless lawmakers gave the go-ahead for it to continue.

POLL QUESTION: Should Michigan offer incentives for movies, television, and other commercial projects?
Yes –  21%
No –  77%
I’m Not Sure –  2%