WSGW OnLine Poll for YOU:     Artificial Intelligence and Regulation  (results)

(May 31 – June 7, 2023)

WSGW OnLine Poll for YOU: Artificial Intelligence and Regulation

Artificial Intelligence has already been a part of our lives in many ways and its use is growing everyday. What used to be conversations about the possibilities of AI are now conversations about the realities of AI.

There are stories of how AI has been very helpful and positive. There are stories of how AI has been very harmful and negative.

The question of regulating AI is being asked by companies developing the product, by consumers using it, and by government agencies.

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration says “Responsible AI systems could bring enormous benefits, but only if we address their potential consequences and harms. For these systems to reach their full potential, companies and consumers need to be able to trust them.”

POLL QUESTION: Does Artificial Intelligence need government regulation or should companies create safety and security protocols on their own?
AI needs government regulation –  62%
Let AI companies handle their own product –  20%
I’m not sure –  18%