WSGW OnLine Poll: Extending Michigan’s Hunting Season (results)
(December 11 – 17)
A bill has been introduced in the Michigan House of Representatives to extend Michigan’s firearm
deer hunting season.
The current season runs November 15 – December 1. The bill extends the season 10 days by starting November 5.
With deer hunting slowly declining through the years, supporters hope extending the hunting season would mitigate losses. Opponents argue no matter what, lawmakers should stay out of wildlife management, and leave it to the experts.
Michigan’s deer hunting season contributes $2-$4 billion annually to the state economy.
The bill would not affect the state’s archery or muzzleloading season, as well as the youth deer hunting season.
PREVIOUS POLL: Should Michigan’s firearm deer hunting season be extended by 10 days?
Yes – 22%
No – 75%
I’m not sure – 3%