WSGW OnLine Poll:   Michigan’s Bottle Return Law  (results)

(August 9 – 16)

WSGW OnLine Poll for YOU: Michigan’s Bottle Return Law

Senate bills have been introduced to expand Michigan’s current bottle return law. Currently, most soft drinks, beer, and other carbonated beverages have a 10 cent return.

The expansion would include other beverages such as tea, water, sports drinks, and more. There would be an exception of milk containers.

The bills would also allow consumers to take any containers to a large store, not just products purchased at a large store. There would be a bottle-handling fund created to reimburse distributors and dealers on a per-bottle-basis.

Somes supporters say it’s working for the environment now and this will make it better. The Michigan Retailers Association says we know we need a recycling program, but the bottle deposit law should actually go away because it’s become too expensive and it’s very unsanitary.

WSGW POLL QUESTION FOR YOU: Should Michigan’s current bottle return law be expanded to include more containers?
Yes  –  44%
No  –  55%
I’m Not Sure  –  1%