WSGW OnLine Poll: Congressional Pay Raise (results)
(January 17 – 24, 2024)
There are a few Democrats and Republicans suggesting it’s time for a pay raise for lawmakers.
Since 2009, rank-and-file members of Congress have been paid $174,000. Cost-of-living adjustments have been blocked every year since then. If salaries had kept pace with inflation, they would make over $250,000 today.
Supporters say higher pay is necessary to attract more people who are not already wealthy and can afford to serve.
Opponents say current pay is still more than 80% of American households make in a year.
Another idea suggests congressional staffers need a raise, not the lawmakers themselves.
WSGW OnLine Poll Question for YOU: Do you think congress should have a pay raise or at least members of their staff?
NO to Congress, but YES to staff – 11%
YES to Congress, but NO to staff – 0%
YES to Both – 2%
NO to Both – 87%