Bunk Bed Building Project for Open Door

Bunk Beds will be built by volunteers from across Midland the 9th and 10th to assist in the new larger location for Open Door. Dupont and the Greater Michigan Construction Academy will assemble and paint 14 bunk beds for Open Door’s new women and children’s center.

Midland Open Door

Students and instructors of the Greater Michigan Construction Academy will lead the two day project. Open Door is located in Midland, they operate the only soup kitchen in Midland County providing over 40,000 meals last year.  In addition they provide shelter to men, women and children assisting 250 to 290 guests a year. In 2023 they had to turn away 70 Midland residents due to having already met compacity. The larger facility for women and children would fill the void and house event more guests then before. Grant funding for the Bunk Bed Building project was provided by the Michigan Baseball Foundation and Dupont.

To learn more about volunteer opportunities with Open Door call 989-835-2291