Saginaw Chippewa Tribe Elects New Chief
December 8, 2021 7:45AM EST
The Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe has voted in a new tribal chief.
On Tuesday, December 7, the tribal board voted Theresa Peters-Jackson for a two year term ending in 2023. Secret ballots were cast and the following Council Members were elected for the remaining Executive Council positions: Sub-Chief Jennifer Vasquez-Wassegijig, Secretary Martha Wemigwans and Treasurer Gayle Ruhl.
Dave Merrill Jr. was elected to serve as the Sergeant-At-Arms and Alice Jo Ricketts will serve as Tribal Chaplain. Samantha Chippeway, Frank Cloutier, Ron Nelson, Mary Quigno, Diana Quigno-Grundahl and Luke Sprague are the other elected Tribal Council members that will serve alongside the newly seated Executive Council.