Midland Middle of the Mitt Baseball League Registration Now Open

Athlete registration for the Spring 2023 season of the Middle of the Mitt League through Midland Parks and Recreation opens Monday.

League play will begin on April 29. Games are played as a 6-week season on Saturdays. The league is open to anyone age 4 or older and there is no residency requirement. The cost to play in the Miracle Field is $50 per player. A limited number of scholarships are available.

A variety of volunteer positions are available on a weekly basis at the Miracle Field. Parks and Recreation is searching for coaches, buddies and practice volunteers. Coaches must be at least 18 years of age and will require a background check. Volunteers and buddies must be at least 13 years of age.

For more information or to register, visit cityofmidlandmi.gov/miraclefield.