WSGW OnLine Poll: Undocumented Immigrants and Michigan Driver’s Licenses (results)
(August 28 – September 4)
Recently, Governor Whitmer appeared to support a change in state law to issue driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants.
Michigan passed legislation in 2008 to ban the practice after then Attorney General Mike Cox released an opinion saying undocumented immigrants could not obtain licenses. The opinion from Cox reversed a 1995 opinion from Attorney General Frank Kelley.
Proponents say driver’s licenses would help Michigan’s economy by making it easier for undocumented imimigrants work and pay taxes, plus enable them to avoid being detained and deported.
Opponents say there will be security concerns, let alone rewarding illegal immigrants compared to legal immigrants. Republicans point out that Democrat Whitmer voted as a senator in 2008 to withhold driver’s licenses from “anyone in our state illgally.”
There are a dozen states, along with the District of Columbia, that issue driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants.
PREVIOUS POLL: Should Michigan offer driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants?
Yes – 4%
No – 95%
I’m Not Sure – 1%