WSGW OnLine Poll: The Power of the MDHHS (results)
(December 2 – 9)
Michigan is in the final days of a “three week pause” restricting a variety of services and activities in the battle of an increase in coronavirus cases.
The pause order was directed by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and included a ban on indoor dining in restaurants.
The Michigan Restaurant and Lodging Association, along with a couple of restaurant groups, have filed a lawsuit arguing the MDHHS order to close is unconstitutional, violating the 5th and 14th amendments, as well as a separation of powers clause in the Michigan Constitution.
The MDHHS says a state statute allows the director to “prohibit the gathering of people for any purpose” during an epidemic.
POLL QUESTION: Do you think the MDHHS should have the ultimate power to order closures in a health crisis situation?
Yes – 27%
No – 72%
I’m Not Sure – 1%