WSGW OnLine Poll:   President Trump, Impeachment, and Reelection  (results)

(February 5 – 12)

With the impeachment of President Trump official and the Senate trial wrapped up, there are now nine months until election day.

The Democrats still have candidates battling for the nomination while President Trump is running his reelection camptaign.

How much will impeachment be used by the Democrats or President Trump when trying to secure votes to win the White House? Has impeachment changed your vote or solidified your vote?

PREVIOUS POLL: If you voted for President today, would you consider impeachment and how would you vote?
I vote for President Trump, impeachment doesn’t matter to me –  51%
I vote for any Democrat, impeachment doesn’t matter to me –  2%
I would vote for President Trump, especially because of the impeachment –  37%
I would vote for any Democrat, especially because of the impeachment –  9%
I’m not sure how I would vote today –  1%