WSGW OnLine Poll:   Parking Enforcement and Constitutional Rights  (results)

(September 1 – 8)

Recently, a circuit court decided in favor of a woman with 14 parking tickets in Saginaw, ruling the city violated the 4th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution against unreasonable searches by chalking her tires.

Saginaw contends chalking tires is a minimal intrusion of parking enforcment. The court said chalking was not necessary for ordinary enforcement.

The woman’s lawyer might try for a class-action suit open to any drivers ticketed related to chalked tires.

The case now back to a U.S. district judge.

POLL QUESTION: Do you believe chalking tires for parking enforcement violates the 4th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution against unreasonable searches?
Yes –  10%
No –  90%
I’m Not Sure –  0%