WSGW OnLine Poll: NIL for Michigan High School Student Athletes (results)
(October 25 – November 1)
WSGW OnLine Poll: NIL for Michigan High School Student Athletes
The Michigan House recently passed legislation to allow high school student athletes to benefit financially by entering into name, image, and likeness business agreements. About twenty other states have legalized these types of agreements.
Lawmakers worked with the MHSAA to develop guidelines such as parental consent, barring agreements related to alcohol, and the prohibiting of wearing sponsor items.
It’s estimated about 25 of the state’s 180,000 student athletes may benefit.
This is just two years after college student athletes have been allowed to enter in NIL agreements.
POLL QUESTION: Do you think high school students should be able to benefit financially using their name, image, and likeness?
Yes – 9%
No – 91%
I’m Not Sure – 0%