WSGW OnLine Poll: Michigan’s Tipped Minimum Wage (results)
(September 4 – 11, 2024)
A recent Michigan Supreme Court ruling will result in boost to the state’s minimum wage and tipped minimum wage next year. This poll focuses on the tipped minimum wage.
Right now, that wage is $3.93 an hour, as tipped workers are expected to make the bulk of their wages through tips. In 2025, the tipped minimum wage will be about $6.00 per hour, and eventually phased out completely in four years.
Proponents say eliminating tipped wages will offer workers more stability and livable earnings.
Opponents say it will reduce tipped worker earnings, put jobs and businesses at risk, and drive up prices for customers.
WSGW OnLine Poll Question for YOU: Do you agree or disagree with Michigan’s tipped minimum wage increasing next year and eventually phased out completely?
Agree – 14%
Disagree – 71%
I’m Not Sure – 15%