WSGW OnLine Poll: Michigan’s Criminal Justice System (results)
(April 6 – 13)
Former Detroit mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick, who spent time in prison for perjury and obstruction of justice, is promoting an initiative to allow prisoners an opportunity to reduce their sentences.
The “Good Time” ballot initiative could reduce a prison sentence through productive activities such as taking college classes, anger management, rehab from substance abuse, and credit for being a veteran.
Michigan is one of 11 states that do not have any earned time or good time laws in place for the prison population.
Signature gathering is going on now to try and advance the initiatve.
POLL QUESTION: Would you support a law in Michigan allowing prisoners to reduce their sentence using a “Good Time” law or earned time?
Yes – 19%
No – 75%
I’m Not Sure – 6%