(July 31 – August 7)

The world of esports (electronic sports) is growing by the number of competitors, leagues, spectators, and prize money.

A 16-year-old boy recently won $3 million for his “Fortnite World Cup Championship”.   The “League of Legends World Championship” is now watched by more people on the planet than the World Series and NCAA Basketball Final Four combined.   More than 120 North American colleges offer esports teams.

Injuries are starting to take a toll, including carpal tunnel, back pain, eye strain, blood clots, and collapsed lungs.

It’s predicted esports will generate more than $1.1 billion this year alone.   The debate now is how “esports” is categorized.

POLL QUESTION:   Should “esports” be included in the overall sports category or does it need to specifically be called “esports” as its own category?
Drop the “e” and call it a sport with all the rest of sports – 0%
Keep the “e” for esports and its own specific category – 95%
I’m Not Sure – 5%

(due to a glitch, all votes may not have tabulated correctly)