WSGW OnLine Poll: COVID-19 Relief and The Minimum Wage (results)
(February 24 – March 3)
Legislation is moving in Washington to provide $1.9 trillion for a variety of COVID-19 relief provisions.
While there are many parts to the bill, one aspect getting attention is an increase of the minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2025.
As usual, any minimum wage proposal has supporters and detractors. Beyond the usual debate, there is a faction of detractors, along with some supporters, wondering if a minimum wage increase should be part of the relief package at all.
POLL QUESTION: Should the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill contain a minimum wage increase?
I support the minimum wage increase and say yes – 4%
I support the minimum wage increase, but don’t think it belongs in the bill – 13%
I am against the minimum wage increase so I don’t think it belongs in the bill – 83%