WSGW OnLine Poll: College Campus Protests (results)
(May 1 – 8)
At a number of college campuses across the country, protestors have set up encampments in opposition to Israel’s war in Gaza. Some institutions have moved classes online. Various commencement ceremonies have been affected.
In some cases, arrests have been made when protestors refused orders to leave based on trespassing or basic school policies.
Those opposed to the protests believe the arrests are appropriate if people involved ignore rules and continue to disrupt campus life for other students.
Supporters say protestors have a right to free speech and demonstrate in what they believe.
WSGW OnLine Poll Question for YOU: What do you think about the protests at various college campuses in regard to Israel’s war in Gaza?
I support the protestors no matter what – 1%
Whether I support the protestors or not, if they are trespassing or violating school policies, they should be removed – 39%
I oppose the protestors no matter what – 60%
I’m Not Sure – 0%