WSGW OnLine Poll:   Casting Your Ballot  (results)

(August 5 – 12)

The August Primary Election is now complete. Because of the pandemic, for many who voted, it was the first time casting a ballot using an absentee ballot, or mail-in vote, and not visiting a physical polling precinct.

As the General Election now approaches, it’s expected many more voters will be using an absentee or mail-in ballot.

While there are differences pertaining to absentee and mail-in voting, both can use the mail for a ballot to be cast. There may be options for dropping off ballots, too.

In Michigan, all voters can use the mail because an absent voter ballot can be requested without providing a reason. And earlier this year, all Michigan voters should have received an application to apply to vote by mail.

POLL QUESTION: How are you planning to vote in the General Election on November 3?
I will use an absentee ballot by mail or drop off location –  20%
I will vote at my designated precinct –  56%
I do not plan to vote –  23%
I’m not sure yet –  1%