WSGW Morning Team Show:   October 25, 2022  (Tuesday)

It’s the WSGW Tuesday Morning Team with YOU and Charlie and Denyse and Pat…..



Released Today…..
“Radio’s Greatest of All Time – Rush Limbaugh”

A collection of Rush Limbaugh’s greatest on-air moments, with special commentary and personal stories from his beloved widow, Kathryn Limbaugh, and brother, David Limbaugh.

For more than thirty years, millions of listeners tuned in to hear Rush Limbaugh’s voice.

At its peak, The Rush Limbaugh Show aired on more than 650 radio stations nationwide, and his inimitable commentary and distinctive sense of humor garnered a devoted audience that celebrated with him when he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2020.

Rush’s passing the following year sent shock waves through the conservative and broadcasting communities.    In this timeless collection of his best work, his triumphant legacy as the greatest voice for conservatism is cemented in history.

When Rush’s dear friend Vince Flynn first suggested the idea of this book, Rush considered the task daunting. “How can I possibly select the best of the best,” he joked, “from all the years of pure genius?”

Over time, Rush came to love this project immensely, and recalled incredible details from his childhood and early career.

Featuring commentary from loved ones, family, friends, and prominent figures such as President Donald Trump, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Governor Ron DeSantis, and more, “Radio’s Greatest of All Time” is the ultimate gift for any devoted listener and leaves no doubt about his profound impact on this country.





Tonight, on WSGW NewsRadio 100.5 FM
The Gubernatorial Debate between challenger Tudor Dixon and incumbent Gretchen Whitmer
This hour long debate will start at 7pm
Note: WSGW coverage is on 100.5 FM and online at (Red Wings Hockey will be on 790am at this time)










Charlie and Denyse and Pat and YOU:     NASA announces 16 people tasked to investigate UFO’s and then release a public report next year, but there is one person notably absent from the 16  (runs 6:10)…..










Every Tuesday following the 8:30am news on the WSGW Morning Team Show, it’s the “Michigan History Moment”, and this morning, featuring Father Gabriel Richard (runs 2:49)









Charlie and Denyse and Pat and YOU:     The online site Candy Store lists the Top Ten Candy  in America by sales and by popularity, plus the Top Ten Worst Candy Ever  (runs 10:40)…..

Click for Link to Candy Store candy story

Halloween Candy Top Ten America 2021










Charlie and Denyse and Pat and Art and YOU:     Yes, we hear “that commercial” that you are hearing about a certain toe problem  (runs3:53)…..








Charlie and Denyse and Pat and YOU:     Butterball release its first ever “Turkey Talk-Line Comfort Calendar  (runs 3:31)…..

Click for Link to “Butterball Turkey Talk-Line Comfort Calendar”

Butterball Turkey Comfort Calendar for Thanksgiving









Charlie and Denyse and Pat and YOU:     “Mattress Mack” bets $10 million on the Astros to win the World Series  (runs 2:39)…..








Swedish Zoo Closes when King Cobra Escapes  (click for story from The Local via the TT newswire

This is the King Cobra that escaped.

PHOTO:   Peter Alpstad/TT

'Highly venomous' king cobra still at large at Stockholm zoo









The Latest Rocket Grab Plus Launch for YOU…..









You can Win a $1000 Gift Certificate to Your Choice of a Participating Business!










The WSGW Morning Team Show Is Sponsored by…..


“Sound Asleep Sleep Diagnostic Lab“

Four locations serving You in Saginaw, Bay City, Midland, and Mt. Pleasant

The Only Accredited Private Sleep Lab in the Area Owned and Operated by a Physician

Two Board Certified Physicians and Three Nurse Practitioners are Dedicated to Treatment of Sleep Disorders

Home Sleep and in the Lab Sleep Studies

If You’re Waiting Months for an Appointment, Sound Asleep Lab can schedule You within One to Two Weeks

The Most Cost Efficient Sleep Lab and Consulting Facility in the Area

Call:   989 – 792 – 2792



Wake Up Song of the Day:     Yes “Owner of a Lonely Heart“.     Jon Anderson is 78.   One of the founding members and lead vocalist.



Comments, Praise, and Criticisms:    [email protected]

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