West Nile Pops Up In Genesee County
West Nile Virus has been detected in a bird for the first time this year and was diagnosed in a human in Genesee County.
Officials conducting routine testing in the month of August detected the viurus in a bird in Flushing. According to the county health department, the detection of the virus in birds notes the importance they play in amplifying it in nature. Health department officials say its common for a few individuals to contract the virus. Symptoms of West Nile Virus include fever, chills, muscle aches, and in rare cases, brain inflammation which can be lethal.
While the threat of the virus remains low, officals remind residents to take the proper precautions to avoid mosquito bites and the potential for mosquito borne illnesses. Wear long sleeve shirts and long pants with shoes and socks and use a mosquito repellent with DEET when outside. As mosquitos are most active between dusk and dawn, try to limit activity during this time. And elminate sources of standing water on your property as its where mosquitos will breed.
For more information, call the health department at (810) 257-3612..