Virtual Meeting with Area Chambers of Commerce to Navigate New Minimum Wage, Paid Sick Leave Laws

The chambers of commerce from Saginaw and Bay counties, Mt. Pleasant and the Midland Business Alliance will hold a virtual guided tour of the new minimum wage and paid sick leave laws this Thursday from 9:00 to 10:00 A.M.

The laws will go into effect next February, gradually increasing the minimum wage over several years, following a recent Michigan Supreme Court ruling which found the legislative adopt and amend practice to be unconstitutional. In 2018, ballot initiatives to increase the state’s minimum wage and provide for paid sick leave were adopted by the legislature before they could go to the ballot, but once passed, the legislature revised the laws significantly, reducing paid sick leave from 72 to 40 hours and reducing the amount the minimum wage could be increased from what was originally proposed. The Supreme Court ruled in a 4-3 opinion that ballot initiatives put forth by Michigan citizens could not be first adopted by the legislature and then amended.

The meeting will feature senior counsel for Warner Norcross and Judd, Steve Palazzolo. To register, visit