State Police Ticket Speeders Driving Over 100 MPH
State police continue their stepped up enforcement of speeding.
Troopers have issued tickets to drivers exceeding 100 miles an hour in both Genesee and Saginaw counties. Tuesday morning, a driver was ticketed for going 105 miles an hour on I-69. Police say only hours later, another driver was clocked going 106 miles and hour on M-13 near the I-75 interchange. Neither incident resulted in a crash.
Officials with the Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning say speeding has become an increased problem since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. They report a 15 percent increase in traffic crashes in Michigan from 2020 to 2021 and an 18.5 percent increase in speed related fatalities. To combat the trend, municipal, county and Michigan State Police law enforcement agencies across the state will conduct overtime speed enforcement through February 28.