SPSD shares Return to Learn Plan
The Saginaw Public School District has laid out its ‘Return To Learn’ plan, which now includes 3 different models based on Michigan’s state designated pandemic phases.
If the state designates Saginaw county to be in phase 5 or 6 (phases deeming the virus is under containment or that the pandemic is over, respectively), 100 percent of the student body would return to school buildings for class.
Superintendent Dr. Ramont Roberts says under the phase 4 ‘Improving’ category, where the region is currently, students will be utilizing a hybrid method.
In the hybrid program- 50% of students will have in person classes Monday and Wednesday, with the other half having in person classes Tuesday and Thursday.
Both groups will alternate Fridays, and will use remote learning components on their days at home.
An option will also be offered for a 100% virtual experience for those not comfortable returning to school buildings.
Dr. Roberts says the hiring of two to four additional staff members to ensure operations run smoothly, and that additional programs for online learning and course material are still being explored.
Due to a concern over the cost of full-time online program licenses, Priority for the virtual-only option will be given to students with documented health risks; however these students will not be eligible to participate in any extracurricular programming.