Saginaw Township Police Chief Appointed to State Homeland Security Board

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has appointed a local police chief to the Michigan Intelligence Operations Center for Homeland Security.

Saginaw Township Police Chief Scott Malace has been chief since 2022 and has been with the department for more than 30 years. Prior to this, he served in the United States Army in both active duty and reserve roles.

The Advisory Board for the Michigan Intelligence Operations Center for Homeland Security collects, evaluates, collates, and analyzes information and intelligence and then, as appropriate, disseminates this information and intelligence to the proper public safety agencies so that any threat of terrorism or criminal activity will be successfully identified and addressed.

Chief Malace holds an associate’s degree in criminal justice from Delta College and a Bachelor of Science Degree in criminal justice from Ferris State University. He is appointed to represent local police departments in this state for a term commencing August 29, 2024, and expiring April 11, 2028.