Saginaw Hires Investigator Into Illegal Trash Dumpings

Illegal dumping sites around Saginaw have been getting cleaned up thanks to the efforts of one man.

Allen Rabideau of Capital A Investigations has been cruising the streets cleaning up illegaly discarded waste, and tracking down those responsible for it thanks to an $800,000 allocation from Saginaw’s American Rescue Plan Act funding. He says that since the city contracted him around a month ago, he’s been hard at work.

According to the city, supply chain issues are putting a delay on getting the new equipment, which represents the bulk of the funding, but this hasn’t stopped Rabideau. The retired police officer says that he’s been setting up cameras at common dumping sites, and his work has already led to one suspect being taken into custody. According to City Manager Tim Morales, anyone caught illegaly dumping could pay a fine of $500 and spend 90 days in jail, and the knowledge that someone is investigating it could make many would-be offenders think twice.