Saginaw County Health Dept. Responds to Supreme Court Rulings on Executive Orders

The Saginaw County Health Department says it’s working closely with other local health departments in Michigan to make sure recent public health orders issued from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services this week are implemented consistently across the state.

MDHHS issued the order to replace those previously issued by Governor Whitmer but ruled unconstitutional by the Michigan Supreme Court. Saginaw County Health Officer Christina Harrington said the MDHHS order was issued under the broad Michigan public health code, which grants authority to public health entities to issue epidemic orders to control the spread of disease.

The language of the new MDHHS order is consistent with previous executive order language requiring masks and restricting gathering sizes. Harrington said she’ll keep the community informed as details unfold. Meanwhile, residents are still required to wear masks in public, maintain 6 feet of distance, and must limit indoor and outdoor gathering sizes to minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19.

“There are lots of questions yet to be answered about how the details impact businesses and schools,” Harrington said. She said she will keep the community informed as details unfold.

Meanwhile, residents are still required to wear masks in public, maintain 6 feet of distance, and must limit indoor and outdoor gathering sizes to minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19.