Saginaw County Currently Number Two for COVID-19 Case Rates in Michigan
The Saginaw region is reporting some of the highest case rates for COVID-19 in Michigan right now. Michigan’s Chief Medical Executive Dr. Joneigh Khaldun said during the governor’s COVID-19 update Wednesday that the Detroit area has the highest case rates, with most in counties outside the city of Detroit. She said Saginaw County’s rate is at 54 cases per million people per day, and has increased slightly over the past week. Saginaw County also reported an additional death on Wednesday, bringing the total to 126. The death count for Saginaw County had been holding steady at 125 for the past couple of weeks. So far 2,098 people have tested positive for COVID-19 in Saginaw County.
Overall on Wednesday, the state reported 94,278 total cases of COVID-19 since the pandemic reached Michigan in March. 6,349 people have died statewide. In Bay County, cases totaled 655 with 36 deaths. There have been 281 cases in Midland County and 10 people have died. The state reports a total of 67,778 people in Michigan have recovered from COVID-19 after testing positive. Complete data on the virus in Michigan can be found on the state website:,9753,7-406-98163_98173—,00.html