Saginaw County Crime Prevention Council Issues Open Letter

Citizens of Saginaw County
The Saginaw County Crime Prevention Council is extremely distraught
and saddened with the death of George Floyd. The egregious behavior
of four Minneapolis police officers who caused the death of George Floyd
is deplorable. The council is also troubled by the tarnish that this incident
brings to the good law enforcement officers in our community who do
their best to protect and serve us each day.
Saginaw County Crime Prevention Council was formed in 1999 to bring
community and law enforcement leaders together for the betterment of
Saginaw County. The Council meets each month to discuss current
issues and promote positive community relations.
Rest assured that no police agencies in Saginaw County approve or use
the tactics that were used by the officers in Minneapolis. Our officers also
adhere to their oath of office (noted below) and have a duty to intervene if
they witness unprofessional conduct by another officer.
The council also condemns the systematic inequities that occur
throughout our community in relation to neighborhood resources,
educational opportunities, access to care and other social factors. We
are committed to working together to address these issues in an effort to
promote equality and justice for all citizens.
Public trust and accountability for police agencies and police officers is
crucial for a safe, inclusive community. We are committed in helping
restore the public’s trust and assuring accountability of our police
agencies and citizens.

Law Enforcement Oath of Honor

On my honor,
I will never betray
my badge,
My integrity, my
character, or the
public trust.
I will always have
the courage
To hold myself and
Accountable for our
I will always uphold
the Constitution
And the community I