New York City Mayor Eric Adams, who is known for his crusade against rats, is fighting a fine for a rat infestation at one of his Brooklyn properties.

The mayor called in to a hearing Tuesday to appeal the claim, which was brought about after a health inspector found rat droppings at his Brooklyn townhouse. The $300 fine was imposed after Adams ignored an initial summons, according to the New York Times.

In response to the claim, Adams said he has worked hard to fight the rodent problem in the city and in his own property, adding that he did everything he could to clear the pests from his home.

“$6,800. That’s how much I spent to do rat mitigation on my property and throughout that block,” Adams said in an interview with NY1. “I did a good job of mitigating the rats. I speak with my neighbors about it. We make sure that we do everything possible to deal with these rodents.”

Eric Adams.

Michael M. Santiago/GettyImages

While Adams’ own administration has enforced stricter policies around rodents in the city, he said he encourages New Yorkers to appeal fines — just like he has — if they feel they have done nothing wrong.

“If you believe you were fined unfairly, utilize your right to go in front of a person to state, ‘Here’s my case. My receipts are clear.'”

Adams made headlines in October when, during an announcement about a new method for trash collection, he and several city officials declared a war on rodents. Last week, his office posted a job listing for a “rat czar,” who would oversee rodent eradication in the city.

“Rats will hate this job posting,” the job description reads. “But 8.8 million New Yorkers and your city government stand ready to work with you to reduce the rat population, increase cleanliness, and prevent pestilence.”