Mosquitos with EEE Detected in Saginaw County
Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) has been detected in mosquitos in Saginaw County.
During routine testing on August 14, the Saginaw County Mosquito Abatement Commission discovered the virus in a mosquito collection from Jonesfield Township. EEE is transmissible to humans, though health officials say most people who contract the virus don’t develop any symptoms. Those who do become ill may experience flu like symptoms. Health officials say in rare cases, severe problems like meningitis or encephalitis may develop, with a 30 percent mortality rate. The virus is especially lethal in horses, with a 90 percent mortality rate. An EEE vaccine is available.
While the threat of the virus remains low, officials remind residents to take the proper precautions to avoid mosquito bites and the potential for mosquito borne illnesses. Wear long sleeve shirts and long pants with shoes and socks and use a mosquito repellent with DEET when outside. As mosquitos are most active between dusk and dawn, try to limit activity during this time. And eliminate sources of standing water on your property as its where mosquitos will breed. For more information, call the abatement commission at (989) 755-5751.