MidMichigan Health Suggests Face Masks and Virtual Appointments
To keep our communities safe and help slow the spread of COVID-19, MidMichigan Health is requesting the public in need of in-person medical services to arrive to MidMichigan facilities with cloth face coverings, such as a cloth mask that covers the mouth and nose, a scarf or a bandana. The use of the MidMichigan’s Virtual Health Clinic rather than an in-person visit is also strongly encouraged.
“The CDC confirmed this week that up to 25 percent of COVID-19 spread is from those showing no symptoms. Wearing a cloth facial covering helps those unaware they are caring the virus from spreading the germs,” said Lydia Watson, M.D., senior vice president and chief medical officer, MidMichigan Health. “We understand many families do not have cloth facial coverings in their home; however the CDC website offers options for making these with minimal tools of a t-shirt and scissors. Certainly, those without cloth facial coverings will not be turned away and they will receive a mask at the door. As the public continues to ask how they can help and this will make a big impact and help to save lives.”
In addition to the request cloth face coverings to be worn to MidMichigan Health facilities, those needing an appointment with their health care provider are encouraged to use MidMichigan’s Vritual Health Clinic whenever possible.
“We have rapidly implemented our virtual visit capability and have successfully connected many of our MidMichigan specialists and primary care providers to their patients,” continued Dr. Watson. “If your provider is a MidMichigan Health provider there is a good likelihood that we are now able to conduct the visit over a video visit. Whether we see our patients in person or virtually, it is our goal to keep our patients and employees free and safe from harm. We appreciate our communities supporting us in these requests.”
To view instructions on how to make a cloth face coverings, visit the CDC website at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/cloth-face-cover.html. Those wishing to make an appointment through the MidMichigan Virtual Health Clinic may call (888) 591-0500.
For the safety of all, MidMichigan Health reminds its communities:
- If you feel sick and have symptoms of a fever of 100.4 or greater, cough or shortness of breath, please call ahead before you go to a doctor’s office or emergency room.
- Please avoid contact with others and do not travel while sick.
- Above all, the best way to prevent the spread of this virus is social distancing and proper hygiene, such as hand washing and not touching our faces. With these two measures we are all significantly less likely to get the illness.
As a service to the community, MidMichigan Health has also published a COVID-19 informational hotline with a reminder of CDC guidelines and recommendations. Staff is also available to help answer community questions Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The hotline can be reached toll-free at (800) 445-7356 or (989) 794-7600.