“Meet the Putnams'” Patriarch Found Guilty of Assault
September 15, 2022 3:00PM EDT
A former reality TV star from Caseville has been found guilty of assault stemming from an incident in Tuscola County last August.
61-year-old William Putnam II from TLC’s Meet the Putnam’s assaulted two construction workers August 11, 2021. The incident occurred at a construction site for a 42,000 square foot medical facility on M-81 in Indianfields Township. The site is owned by the Putnams.
The younger of the two victims allegedly threatened Putnam’s son Brandon with a utility knife, which is when William Putnam was called to the site and assaulted the two men. He was found guilty on four counts of assault and battery, a misdemeanor.
His sentencing is scheduled for October 4, though he plans on appealing the verdict.