Man’s Charge of School Threat Reduced to Misdemeanor
A Saginaw Township man accused of making a terrorist threat against his child’s school is having a felony charge reduced to a misdemeanor.
38 year old Jeffrey Perkins pleaded no contest in saginaw county district court to one count of disturbing the peace, punishable by up to 93 days in jail and a $500 fine. By pleading no-contest rather than guilty, a count of false report or threat of terrorism was dismissed by prosecutors- which would have been punishable by up to 20 years in prison and a $20,000 fine. The charges stem from an incident on December 16th at White Pine Middle School. Perkins went to the school to pick up his son and asked staffers when Christmas break would be. In respone to their answer, he quipped “you’ll be on lockdown by then,”
The comments were made just over 2 weeks after the November 30th mass shooting at Oxford High School.