Isabella County Administration Building Remains Closed Due to Asbestos

The Isabella County Administration Building remains closed after testing discovered a potential risk of airborne asbestos.

Air samples had been taken earlier in the week as part of upcoming HVAC maintenance in the building, and Thursday morning the County was alerted to the possible risk. As a precaution, the building was evacuated and neither employees nor the public are allowed inside at this time while further tests are conducted.

The County says in the meantime, certain services will remain active, just at different locations. As of Friday, County Administration, Treasurer, Register of Deeds, and Drain Commissioner were operating out of the Isabella County Commission on Aging office. The Prosecuting Attorney was in the County Trial Court Law Library, and the County Clerk and Community Development department were working from the Charles R. Lux Funeral Home at 2300 South Lincoln Road in Mount Pleasant. Other departments worked remotely.