Huron County Agencies Take Part in Water Rescue Training

Three Huron County fire departments and the Huron County Sheriff Department took part in a joint water rescue training exercise off of the Caseville County Park Beach Thursday night.

source: Huron County Sheriff Dept.

Sheriff Kelly Hanson said firemen with their boats from the Caseville, Harbor Beach and Port Austin Fire Departments, plus Huron County deputies and Hanson, practiced recovering victims in the rough water and windy conditions. Hanson said conditions were similar to actual rescue conditions, since most rescues aren’t made when the weather is calm and sunny.

Hanson said with 100 miles of shoreline, Huron County agencies are involved in life or death rescue situations each year that come with a variety of conditions, including cold water or ice.

Source: Huron County Sheriff Dept.
Source: Huron County Sheriff Dept.