“Fall Fling” Art Exhibition Coming to Andersen Enrichment Center in October
The Saginaw Arts and Enrichment Commission will open its Art @ the Andersen 2022 Fall Show with an exhibition featuring works by members of the Saginaw Area Watermedia Artists (SAWA). The show will be on display from October 4 through October 13 at the Andersen Enrichment Center in Saginaw, 120 Ezra Rust Drive.
Fall Fling will highlight more than 60 original works in watercolor, acrylic and mixed media by SAWA member artists. Visitors will also have the opportunity to view Legacy of an Artist: Jean Beach 1929-2019. Beach was a recognized and award-winning Saginaw area artist exhibiting at numerous art museums throughout Michigan.
The Saginaw Area Watermedia Artists is a non-profit organization comprised of mid-Michigan area artists, which works to promote the fine art of painting in mediums of watercolor and acrylics. To support art education in the schools, each year SAWA gives a community award to an area school. The award is used for the purchase of much needed art supplies.
The public is invited to meet the artists at a reception on Tuesday, October 4 from 5:00 until 7:00 p.m. Exhibition hours are 9 a.m.
until 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. The exhibition and reception are free and open to the public.