Election Results in the Great Lakes Bay Region

Here are some of the unofficial election results from the August 6 primary:


Midland County

Scott Holzinger defetaed James Chambers in the race for sheriff in the Republican Primary. Republican Joe Sova retains his seat as the drain commissioner after defeating Tom McCann. Eric Dorrien has defeated Rodney Kloha in the race for the County Commission 6th District seat on the republican side. Republicans Art Peters defeated Terrance Hall Junioor for Edenville Township Supervisor, Brian Knopp came out over Gavin salter for Greendale Township Supervisor, and Carmen Bajena defeated Jim Sanders for Jasper Township Supervisor.

A proposal to renew the 9-1-1 Central Dispatch millage of .7 mills succeeded in Tuesday’selection. A successfulproposal for the Midland County Road Commission will renew a levy of 1 mill through the same time for programs to construct, maintain, and repair roadways. The final county-wide millage increase from .37 mills to .5 mills to benefit the Pinecrest Farms County Infirmary was approvedby voters. Voters in the Bullock Creek School District approved a 10-year renewal of the maximum of 18 mill levy for the district. Meridian Public Schools’ millage renewal also succeeded. Fire and/or emergency services millages all passed in Warren, Porter, Lincoln, Jerome, Greendale and Geneva townships, though voters rejected increases to those millages in Geneva and Greendale townships. A road millage was passed in Hope Township.


Bay County

State Representative Timmy Beson defeated challenger Chaz Fowler in the Republican primary for the 95th District. County Executive and Democrat Jim Barcia will face off against Republican Kevin Shark, who defeated Charles Juers. For Bay County Prosecutor, Mike Kanuszewski barely defeated Brian Jean. Kanuszewski faces incumbent Democrat Nancy Borushko in November. In the race for County Commissioner District 1, Kathy Niemiec defeated Marie Fox. Glenn Rowley remains the Bangor Township supervisor after defeating Neil Froncek, and Republican Terry Spencer keeps his position as Monitor Township Suprvisor after defeating Gary Brandt. Jerome Putt defeated Daniel Doran and Willard Butterfield in the Williams Township Supervisor Republican primary, and Brad Eddy beat Ross Robbins in the Republican race for Kawkawlin Township Supervisor.

Voters that fall within the Pinconning area school district approved an 18 mill renewal for the district. The current millage is set to expire after this year, and the renewal will bring an estimated $1.7 million each year through 2034. Another school district millage renewal succeeded in Bangor Township, as did a fire department operating millage increase to 3 mills. A fire department operating millage passed in Beaver Township, where a separate proposal to more than double the current fire millage was rejected by voters. Fire department millages succeeded in Auburn, Fraser, Merrrtt, Mount Forest, and Williams townships. Road funding millages also passed in Fraser, Mount Forest, Merritt and Portsmouth townships.


Saginaw County

In the race for state legislator for Michigan’s 71st district, Republicans Brian Begole came out over Kevin Rathbun. Mark Zacharda is lone democrat for that position. For the 94th district, Republic Robert Zelle beat Geoffery Well. Zelle will face Democratic incumbent Amos O’Neal in the November election. In the sheriff’s race, Bill Federspiel beat out Democratic challenger Kevin Stevens with 68 percent of the vote. Federspiel will face Republican Jason Wise in November. On the county Board of Commissioners for District 4, Democrat Sheldon Matthews retains his seat against Eddie Jackson, while Republican John Kaczynski beat fellow Republican Carol Ewing in District 7. Matthews faces Herb Jankowsky and Kaczynski will run unopposed. For the District 9 seat, Democrat Christopher Boyd will face Republican Jane Collins in November, who beat Andrea Paschall.

A county wide road millage barely passed, while the Saginaw Public Libraries millage passed by a wide margin. A .2 mill tax to support the Saginaw Children’s Zoo, estimated to bring in $1.3 million each year through 2034, was approved. Another millage renewal of .59 mills for the county Commission on Aging with an increase of .1 mill succeeded. Voters in the City of Saginaw accepted a proposal to renew a 3.2 mill millage through 2030 benefitting STARS public transportation. In Chesaning, a ballot proposal was passed that will see the school district issue bonds to raise $14 million for rennovations to school campuses. Voters in the Frankenmuth Public School District approved both an operations and sinking fund millage, while voters in Hemlock approved their school district operating millage. Albee Township voters rejected both a road funding millage and increase, though Blmfield and Marion Township voters approved their road funding millages. Bridgeport and Marion Township voters passed their respective fire millages.