Election Night Mostly Successful With Many Local Votes
It turned out to be a largely successful night Tuesday, March 10 for the various millage propositions in Saginaw County.
Big winners included a road improvement proposal in Carrollton Township, a police and fire operating renewal in Buena Vista Township and a Chesaning Union Schools sinking fund.
The Police and Fire Services Assessment District Renewal plus the Saginaw Transit Authority Regional Services millage won handily in Saginaw.
A Hemlock School District Sinking Fund proposal also passed, along with a Swan Valley School District Operating Millage renewal.
County wide proposals including the Parks and Recreation renewal passed plus the renewal-increase plan to finance upgrades for the Dow Event Center in Saginaw. But the new proposal for Michigan State University Extension lost by just 933 votes.
Winners in Bay County included a fire millage renewal in Kawkawlin Township and a road proposition in Beaver Township.