EEE Confirmed in Tuscola County

Public health officials in Tuscola County are informing the public a horse has tested positive for Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE). The horse was not vaccinated against the virus.

This case marks the 34th case in animals, which covers a 14 county area. 32 horses and two deer have so far tested positive for EEE. Only one human, from Barry County, has been infected with the virus.

EEE is one of the most deadly mosquito borne illnesses with a 33 percent fatality rate. While vaccines are available to horses, there is no vaccine for humans who become infected with the virus. It only takes one bite to become infected.

To protect yourself from mosquito bites to reduce the risk of infection, remember to wear pants and shirts with long sleeves while outside. Use an insect repellant with DEET and remove any standing water on your property where mosquitos breed.