Caseville Park Beach Closed Briefly; Police Cite Crowd Size and Fights
Crowds at the Caseville County Park beach were approaching just over 2000 when Huron County Sheriff’s Deputies had to intervene this Independence day.
Randy Miller, Director for Huron County Central Dispatch, says dispatchers sent out responses to more than 144 calls involving incidents spanning from July 3rd at midnight through midnight July 4th. The calls ranged from drug and alcohol overdoses to other ambulance-required calls. However, the largest amount of calls were for police assistance at the Caseville County Park Beach.
70 calls were made from 4:00-6:30 p.m. regarding alcohol, fights, and more which resulted in the beach being shut down. With the crowd at the beach being over 2000, police had their hands full, but County Sheriff Kelly Hanson says people are always welcome in the future as long as they behave.
Hanson also said more officers will be assigned to the beach this weekend as people continue to celebrate, but in his 37 years of law enforcement he didn’t recall anything getting nearly as out of hand as it did this July 4th.