Board of Education Vacancy Opens at Saginaw Township Community Schools

Saginaw Township Community Schools Board of Education Member, Anthony J. Duncan, announced that he will be stepping down from his position before the end of his term, due to relocation.

The district is seeking to fill the open seat on the board within 30 days after the vacancy occurs. The application for trustee is available on the home page of the district’s website at Applications will be received until 4:00 p.m. on April 24 by mail or by drop off to the district’s board office. Screening of applications will be held on April 24, and all interested parties are encouraged to have that evening available for interview purposes.

On May 1 at 7:00 p.m., the board plans to conduct interviews and reach its decision, appointing a new trustee. The newly appointed trustee will be sworn in and begin board service at the May 13 board meeting.

The appointment is effective through the 2024 election with the seat expiring December 31, 2026.