Bay Metro Transit to Suspend Fixed Route Services

Bay Metro Transit is suspending all fixed route services starting Monday, November 23 due to the increase of coronavirus cases around the county and state.

Fixed Route service is currently transporting about 25 percent of the riders it had before the COVID pandemic. The DART service should be able to support many of those rides while cutting the workforce in half and resuming a 2-week rotation of employees. Bay Metro Transit will continue to operate DART demand-response service and will open the service up to the general public. Trips will be scheduled with priority on ADA trips for certified riders, medical related trips, rides to work and grocery runs. There will continue to be no charge for this service.

The Central Bus Station will be locked down. There will be no public access. Indian Trails customers should call Indian Trails with any questions, (989) 893-6589. The phone number for general information is (989) 894-2900, extension 3. Information will be continually updated on the Bay Metro website, , as well as Facebook and Twitter.