Anonymous Donors in Huron County Help Make Christmas Brighter for Families Experiencing Hardships
Anonymous cash donors are providing deputies in Huron County the opportunity to brighten up Christmas for some local residents.
In about two weeks, sheriff’s deputies will begin delivering cash gifts or food gift certificates to families who’ve experienced hardships over the past year, such as losing a loved one, losing a job, serious illness and more. The sheriff’s department will also contribute to a couple of local non-profits committed to providing services to homeless or other displaced individuals. As an added bonus this year, ten turkeys donated by a county market are available to recipients on a first come, first serve basis.
2021 marks the eighth year in a row the Huron County Sheriff’s Department has received anonymous donations to distribute to the communities they serve. Between the donations and a previous 9 year partnership with Toys for Tots, the department will have collected and distributed nearly $260,000 in cash and toys to residents of the county.